VIVAnews - Various ways to use women to achieve ideal body weight. Starting from avoiding certain foods strictly to exercise hard every day to want a slim body.
Be the master of the TV remote and switch off!
According to the study of the Food Quality & Preference, people will enjoy eating them when dealing with the sounds and noise, including from television. So at dinner, turn off your TV. You will feel full and more full.
Do not eat at your desk
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed people who love to eat at the computer, usually do not remember what they ate. So, they tend to eat more without thinking.
So from now on, if you want to eat, go to the dining room, sitting, and then enjoy eating your food!
When you wish to shop, eat first, then go
If you go to the mall with an empty stomach, chances are you'll be tempted to enjoy the food at the food court. Foods that arouse your taste is most likely unhealthy. Or as an alternative for so as not to be tempted, you can choose apple snacking while shopping.
Plan ahead and prepare a shopping list
Write down what you need and paste it into your food shopping list. Shopping with no set goals, chances are you'll be tempted to buy goods that in fact has not so necessary. Without careful planning, you'll buy whatever food you like without thinking about its effect on the body. In addition to this plan healthy for the body, is also healthy for the wallet.
Survey on restaurant menus
Do not let you be tempted by the offer of restaurants. They can drag you to the foods you do not want to eat. Find out healthy menu in the restaurant, choose the appropriate food intake and low fat.
According to Carnegie Mellon University researchers imagine yourself eating the foods you want to help you avoid excessive food. In short, if you repeatedly think about certain foods, visualize it, actually reduce the chances are you eat it in reality.
Do not ever deny yourself food
Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite foods this time. Do not let your stress by tightening your food on a regular basis. People who tend to starve to lose vital fluids, nutrients and muscle tissue. Lack of essential nutrients can cause the body to experience hypotension, dry mouth, and bad breath.
Report: Wu Suwito