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Friday, April 15, 2011

Four Emergency Food Toothpaste Substitute

Imagining you bring all the tools needed every day, it would be tedious and complicated. Moreover, if you are sued frequently mobile. No probably not, must bring all items in a large bag? Relax. You do not have to take along all devices brush and toothpaste everywhere. Because in fact there are 4 foods that can help to brush their teeth in an emergency.
Apples are the fruit was first grown in Central Asia. Scientific name, Malus domestica. In general, apples are grown in the highlands or cool areas. Nutritional this apple variety, and the amount of vitamin C and the water was quite a lot.
Since time immemorial, this apple is believed to be a natural toothpaste. Try it feel, when eating an apple, there is a sense of abrasive on the teeth. The content of vitamin C and water, can help treat gum and toothpaste maximize the apple as an emergency.
Latin name is Daucus carota. Carrots are orange tuber vegetable that resembles a wood grain texture. It was sweet, rich in vitamin A, and iron is good for teeth.
Just like apples, carrots can also be used as emergency toothpaste enough to chew a few times. Pain will be felt rough and clean teeth, and you are ready for action.
Vegetables are also medicinal plants are commonly used as a spice in cooking. In European countries, celery actually served raw as vegetables. During the Classical Greek and Roman, celery is touted as a vegetable 'abdominal conditioning', and not just soothing the stomach only, celery can also clean your teeth.
Popcorn with no taste
Well, this one certainly was very you know it? Popcorn with no taste (salt) can help provide a sense of abrasive toothpaste and act as an emergency. Unfortunately, it is also not recommended popcorn consumed in large quantities, especially for those who are running the program on a diet. Just imagine if your weight go up because of too much eating popcorn, oh no! So specifically for popcorn, limit it pengonsumsiannya yes.

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